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Press Release


City of Hialeah, May 16, 2024 - Councilwoman Angelica Pacheco defends herself against unfounded accusations and requests clarification regarding her alleged violation of the City Charter and alleged interference in the administration.

Councilwoman Pacheco has received a formal notification from the lawyer of the city of Hialeah, accusing her of violating the City Charter and interfering with administration. What did the councilwoman do? Simply put, her assistant greeted citizens at the entrance of the City Hall, handed them her business card, and informed them that the councilwoman was available to provide guidance and listen to their concerns. Additionally, the assistant, following the councilwoman's instructions, sat in the hearing room and attended public code enforcement hearings to better understand the challenges faced by residents and be more informed and prepared to answer questions from the residents of Hialeah who come to their elected officials. Apparently, this has upset the city administration of Hialeah. However, Councilwoman Pacheco will not be intimidated.

In response to the accusations, Councilwoman Pacheco has sent a letter to the city lawyer, reaffirming her unwavering commitment to serving the residents of the City of Hialeah and complying with the principles established in the City Charter. The councilwoman assures that her assistant does not participate in the hearings or interfere in any way that could compromise the integrity of the decision-making process.

Furthermore, the councilwoman requests a precise and unambiguous legal definition of the term "interference" in relation to the City Charter. She also requests detailed information about the accusations, such as the identity of the complainants, a detailed description of the allegedly violative activities, dates, times, and locations of each alleged violation, and the identity of the individuals observed committing the alleged violations. The councilwoman considers it essential to have this information in order to properly investigate the accusations and ensure due process.

Councilwoman Pacheco reaffirms her commitment to complying with the City Charter and will take the necessary steps to ensure compliance. She expects a prompt response and guidance from the city lawyer within the next ten business days from the date of the letter.

Councilwoman Angelica Pacheco continues to work diligently for the benefit of the residents of Hialeah, maintaining transparency and accountability as the foundations of her work. No attempt at intimidation will stop the work that Councilwoman Pacheco carries out day after day in service to the community.

Attached you will find the letter from the lawyer of the city of Hialeah and Councilwoman Angelica Pacheco's response.

For more information, please contact:

Angelica Pacheco


Committee to Elect Angelica Pacheco
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